Saturday, December 13, 2008

Apple pie anyone?

For Thanksgiving we went to my mother-in-law's home. I asked her what she wanted me to bring and she told me anything I wanted. I was so excited to make something that I went a little over board. I told her I wanted to bake homemade rolls which I have never made before, an apple pie also which I have never made before, and bless his heart Ricky doesn't like pie and wanted cheese cake so I said I would make that also and again I have never made that either. I got started late as usual and half way through realized I was missing a few items I could have sworn I bought. I made what I thought would be a quick trip to walmart (boy was I ever wrong. I stood in line for fifteen minutes when it took me all of five seconds to grab what I needed) After getting everything done that I possibly could and cleaning the kitchen it was 2 o'clock in the morning. I was exhausted to say the least but I have learned my lesson for next year. The bright side of it all was the apple pie was a huge success everyone who tried it loved it and I will definetly be baking it in the future.


Sarah Holman said...

Well look how fancy. I will just call you mini martha... That pie looks yummy.

Im excited to see you on wednesday :)

tatum said...

k i love apple pie, my fav. and that one looks really good.