Sunday, August 9, 2009


I absolutely HATE technology today. The other day I sat down at the computer and did my random blog stalking and I was getting ready to add some new posts when I opened up our pictures on Ricky's laptop and to my surprise (not a good surprise but the kind like you take your car in for a routine oil change and they find 1500 dollars worth of repairs kind of surprise) there were no pictuers. All of our pictures are gone. And to make matters worse guess who had not backed them up yet? Yep that would be me. I was so upset I wanted to bawl. I called for Ricky to come look but he couldn't find them either. So all of our pictures from our honeymoon, Hawaii, Moab, California, and anything that we have taken pictures of for the last two years are gone. We had a brother-in-law take a look at the computer to see if he could find them but no luck. I am still tempted to take it to one more person and see if they can find them but I am told that they are probably a lost cause. I had to learn the hard way so hopefully I can serve as a good example of what not to do and everyone else will back up their pictures.


Michelle said...

THat stinks. But at least you can retrieve the pics that you have posted to your blog by redownloading them. That will give you a few.

Sarah Holman said...

Thats pooey, yah i said pooey on your blog. ha ha That same thing sort of happened to me when I lost my camera at your wedding. tear tear sniff sniff. I'm still sad about it...